Second installment in the Award-Winning series of Junga the Dancing Yeti®. Junga meets a new friend during his first winter on the mountain where he and Grandma Yeti have traveled. He and his new friend Heidi are bullied by Groth, a young Bigfoot boy. Instead of shunning Groth, they devise a plan to help the young Bigfoot overcome a stressful problem. Children learn valuable lessons about recognizing bullying, conflict resolution and more. An award-winning, international voiceover cast brings to life, the beloved children’s book used in schools and homes. Author Stephen Tako teamed up with Peter Gullerud for character design and illustrations as well as 11 x Emmy recipient James R. Alburger for sound engineering and editing. Original music also contributed by the talented Kyla Carter, who also provides the voice for Heidi.
VIDEO – Junga the Dancing Yeti Meets Heidi
Second installment in the Award-Winning series of Junga the Dancing Yeti®. Junga meets a new friend during his first winter on the mountain where he and Grandma Yeti have traveled. He and his new friend Heidi are bullied by Groth, a young Bigfoot boy. Instead of shunning Groth, they devise a plan to help the young Bigfoot overcome a stressful problem. Children learn valuable lessons about recognizing bullying, conflict resolution and more. An award-winning, international voiceover cast brings to life, the beloved children’s book used in schools and homes. Author Stephen Tako teamed up with Peter Gullerud for character design and illustrations as well as 11 x Emmy recipient James R. Alburger for sound engineering and editing. Original music also contributed by the talented Kyla Carter, who also provides the voice for Heidi.
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