In accordance with the San Diego Unified School District Policy A-3500, bullying (including cyberbullying), harassment or intimidation in any form are prohibited at school and school-related events (including off-campus events, school-sponsored activities, school busses, any event related to school business) or outside school hours with the intention to be carried out during any of the above.
The National Center for Educational Statistics indicates on a national level that 20-30% of children are bullied at school each year. But according to WestEd, California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS), 43.4% of California students in grades 7,9 & 11 were bullied. Moreover, approximately 60 percent of students with disabilities reported being bullied and 33 percent of students who identify as LGBTQ reported being bullied.
Junga the Dancing Yeti® series of three anti-bullying children’s books & films (ages 4-7) are designed to reach children in their most formative years by instilling critical social lessons of empathy, compassion and inclusion. Rotarian and Senior Advisor to the Child Safety Network, author Stephen Tako is actively seeking companies and organizations to partner with his company Confident Life Enterprises, LLC as Corporate Sponsors to improve our statistics in relation to bullying for children. Mr. Tako is actively forming Motivated to Act, a 501c3 Corporation in California which will produce the books in the future.
To encourage strong leadership skills in children grades K-3rd grade and ingrain in them the desire to treat others as equally important. In instances of witnessing bullying, discrimination, or any form of neglect or abuse, our mission is to motivate children to find and act upon effective resolutions.
Students who gain a clear understanding of what bullying and/or related negative behaviors include and how they affect others are more likely to refrain from such behaviors. Additionally, properly educated and motivated children will likely take action to stop the negative behavior when they see it. Increased awareness for all is the foundation of the Motivated to Act Anti-Bullying Foundation and its creative programs.